Well, after a few days of vacation, I'm back to blogging. I hope you all had a good Labor Day weekend. I know that Travis, Kelly, and little Bennett were in all of our thoughts and prayers during the holiday.
Travis and Kelly had some trouble with the Web site last night, but as of this morning, it is back up. So, please read it for the latest update on Bennett.
The bottom line is that the bleeding on his neck is a major concern right now. There are many other complications as well, but the bleeding is the main one. Let's say specific prayers today for the bleeding in his neck. Let's also pray that God will attend to the other issues that we don't know specifically right now. Bennett needs our prayers right now. He is fighting, but he needs our support as do Travis and Kelly.
Travis and Kelly are certainly physically and emotionally drained right now. So, let's try to dedicate the next three days to lifting them up. Since many of us have digital cameras, I think we should surround them with visual evidence of our support. Here's how:
1. Take a digital photo of yourself or your family holding a sign with a message to Travis, Kelly, and Bennett. Maybe you want to say "We Love You!" or "We're Praying for You!". Maybe you want to put a Bible verse reference or say something else that will be an encouragement.
2. Send your photo(s) to me via e-mail at .
3. I will either print the photos on a printer or at a store and take them to the NICU.
4. If you don't have a digital camera and would like to participate, send me an e-mail and I'll give you an address for sending hard copies of photos.
I think this will be encouraging to Travis and Kelly, because they've already drawn strength from the wall in the Georgetown NICU that displays photos of "NICU Grads." Those photos are visual evidence that babies make it out of the NICU and go on to live happy and healthy lives. In the same way, I think our photos can be visual evidence that we're continuing to support and love Travis, Kelly, and Bennett.
So, the goal is to see how many people can send photos between now and Friday. I'll collect them and take the first batch over this weekend to give Travis and Kelly a boost. Please join in this effort, and please continue to pray (and page) Travis and Kelly.
Verse for the moment: "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " - Acts 20:35
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Update - September 5th at 10:15 a.m.
Posted by
Erica Taylor
10:06 AM
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GREAT IDEA, ERICA!! We'll be sending you our picture soon!
A little longer prayer:
Dear Lord,
Once again I want to pour out our cry before you LORD. We want this bleeding around Bennett's neck/tube to stop Lord...Please give the Doctor's wisdom on how much to decrease the Heparin in a way that will not put him at further risk for clotting. Please prevent any clots from being sent into other parts of his body...please Help the chest tubes to work effectively please help their placement to remain effective and correct, Please help the horrible infected fluid to come out of his lungs so that he can breath and oxegenate the blood that his body and tender organs need. Please help the antibiotics to continue to target the infection effectively. Increase his oxygen levels dear LORD ...incease his endurance and strength...Increase his body's ability to function on its own. LORD you've brought him through so much...Please don't let this healing and this struggle end. Continue the healing and bring about full recovery for your child that you love so much LORD. You are able to do anything LORD and we your servants know this. You can turn this around immediately and heal him immediately if you so chose. We ask that you do this. We praise you and acknowledge that you are the creator and sustainer of all things. We praise you and acknowledge that you know what's best in all situations. But if it could be within your perfect will, LORD we beg you to heal baby BENNETT FULLY!!! Please let KElly and Travis go home tonight in peace knowing that the bleeding has stopped ...knowing that you LORD once again have intervened to save their precious child. Please help them to get to see that you are healing baby BENNET's lungs and freeing them of this infection ...LORD you are so able to do this...We pray against any spiritual battles that are going on which we can't see. We pray against any discouragement the enemy wants to send to little Bennett or to Kelly and Travis. Indeed Bennett will most likely become an amazing child of yours LORD and a witness to your goodness in this life and to the saving power of YOUR son's precious blood.. i know that the enemy does not want this and I pray that for the rest of us as well and for the people that could come to know your saving grace through his life and though his faith...Please LORD, Please save this child. Please heal him completely so that he can get on about the business of knowing you and bringing glory to you on this earth...Please heal him LORD
We love you Kelly, Travis, and Bennett
We sent the last prayer and will continue praying until Baby Bennett is healed...Matthew has a funny chinese script on his computer that makes it hard for me to know what different prompts are asking for and where I should sign my name.
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