I haven't heard any updates tonight, but I do know that Travis and Kelly are spending lots of time back with little Bennett. It seems that his situation is a bit less stable than last week, although there are several improvements and things for which to be thankful. Since the remaining concerns (the bleeding, the infection) are serious concerns, however, we need to keep praying fervently for Bennett and his health. We also need to lift Travis and Kelly up in prayer.
Thanks to all of you who have sent photos so far. I know that they will lift Travis and Kelly's spirits. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, please read the entry from 9/5 at 10:15 a.m. It will explain all about the "Photo Wishes" I'm collecting for Travis and Kelly from now through Friday. If I can, I'll try to post the instructions in the right column tomorrow so you won't have to scroll down.
Let's keep praying, everyone. And...don't forget to page Travis and Kelly when you do so. They continue to need tangible evidence of our support to keep them going.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Update - September 5th at 11:50 p.m.
Posted by
Erica Taylor
11:49 PM
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A longer prayer
Dear LORD,
Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou, for this large improvement that you gave overnight. Please hear us as we say thankyou for keeping little Bennett alive for the past two weeks and giving us all of this good news this morning. Thankyou for answering our prayers about the bleeding around his neck site. We know that your power to heal was demonstrated. We pray that you continue to keep the bleeding at bay around his neck incision and all over his body. Thankyou LORD that he was able to receive blood and platelets overnight so that he can live and his coloring return. Thankyou for all the individuals who donated blood to make his life possible.
Thankyou for the nurses and doctors who worked endlessly through the night while we were all sleeping so that Bennett can have more days on this earth. Please give them amazing rest today so that they can enjoy their lives and come back to work tonight ready to do their best. Thankyou for Georgetown and the amazing institution it is. Please continue to give the staff wisdom today in making their decisions regarding how and when to give blood, which medications to use, how to move his precious little boday as he's so tied down by all these tubes, how to give him rest, how to massage and move his little arms and legs, how to turn him, How to manipulate and maintain the chest tubes and his many arterial lines. Please keep all of the machines that are monitoring and sustaining his life in perfect working order. Please LORD help them heal baby Bennett.
We praise you LORD that the nurses said that "something interesting" is happening. Please let it be that the oxygen levels are increasing because his lungs are being miraculously healed by your love and your power. Please let it be that his little body is doing what it needs to heal his own heart and circulatory system. Please let it be that his body is working by your grace and help to fight of this horrible infection completely.
Please keep these chest tubes draining the correct fluid. Please help the fluid to stop containing too much blood so that Bennett can stop receiving blood transfusions, LORD. Please heal Baby Bennett LORD with your amazing power. Thankyou for revealing your love and deliverance to your people. Thankyou for the love of your people that Kelly and Travis are able to show to us and to those who don't know the blessing of your church and of your kindgom. Please show the world even more of your glory and power today. We praise you LORD for all that you've done and for all that your going to do. You do all things well!
In Jesus name.
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