I just got a voice mail from Travis, so I wanted to give you the latest.
Kelly was discharged from the hospital today, and they are now home. In fact, she might even get to enjoy a nice dinner out with Travis and various members of the family tonight. Although Bennett will be on their minds every second, I'm sure that their dinner will be a refreshing change.
I'm not sure about the instructions Kelly was given when she was discharged, but I assume that she'll need to stay home some of the time and be in the NICU the rest of the time. I'll verify that and let you all know.
Bennett's condition remains serious but stable. So, that's a good thing. In his message, Travis reiterated how Bennett continues to be a fighter. Let's pray that his precious little body will continue to fight through this.
Travis also mentioned that both families still plan to be here through the weekend. I think both moms will also be at the hospital through the week next week. I'll keep you posted on the visitor situation, but please continue to honor their requests for no visitors through Sunday unless you are fulfilling a specific request from Travis, Kelly, or their families.
Finally, Travis mentioned how much the comments mean to them. In fact, he and Kelly want to take all of the comments and make them into a book. He said that one day, they hope to be able to read all of the comments to little Bennett. Let's all pray that this becomes a reality for them. If Bennett continues to fight through this, it will be so special for him to see how the first days of his life were covered by the prayers of hundreds and hundreds of people.
So, let's keep the prayers, pages, and posts coming. We need to remain determined to lift up and encourage Travis, Kelly, Bennett, and the families. As always, I'll be back when I have more to post.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Update - August 24th at 5 p.m.
Posted by
Erica Taylor
4:56 PM
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Kelly, I'm so glad you're able to go home! I hope you have a refreshing evening. I send you a great big hug through the internet (and you know I squeeze tight). Ok Travis, your turn. :) And a hug to any grandmas or aunts/uncles/cousins who'd like one ;) And a gentle tickle for Bennett. Know that there will be many more of those to come!
My parents (in Singapore) and friends across the country are praying. Mom was so glad to be able to see the pictures--thanks again Travis. I love watching the slideshow. You're such a great dad. My dad used to sing with me at bedtime, too. So comforting.
You're all in my heart, and my heart is overflowing.
Love, (and Hugs!)
PS Way to go Bennett! Relax that urinary tract! :D
Kelly and Travis,
It so good to hear that Kelly is at home and that Bennett continues to fight. We will keep up the prayers here in Nashville as are many others. May God conitune to be the presence for you that is irreplaceable.
Kerry and Carolyn
Travis and Kelly, I had a very long MRI today, and was so thankful to have uninterrupted time to pray for Bennett and all of you. Talking to our Father about your trials, and praising His name for all He has done for Bennett thus far made my time in the machine pass quickly. You are all close in our hearts. BTW, tell Cilla I'm with her all the way on the "debate." Love and prayers 2 u all.
Hey y'all. My husband and I have just been through the NICU thing. Our twins were born 3 1/2 months early. We were there 100 days. My heart aches to know you guys are there too. I pray for the time to pass quicky. I remember getting those time frames and being so ready for them to be over so we could move to the next one. I pray for you 2 as you watch these things happen to your baby. I pray of course for the strength of that sweet boy. May GOD give you comfort, peace, and may you feel His presence. I remember feeling so strongly that I KNEW GOD's hands were holding our babies when we couldn't. I KNOW there is a connection there between GOD and his little miracles that is beyond us. Especially those that need a little extra boost of strength. I am thankful that Bennett is feeling the hands of the LORD on him and feeling the breath of Him breathing through him. We are praying for you in Longview, Texas.
Kory & Jaymie (Spencer) Phillips
Kelly & Travis,
We are continuing to lift little Bennett and you both up in prayer.
He sounds like a little fighter!
Love, Frank & June Parker
("Fairfax South")
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