Friday, September 7, 2007

Update - September 7th at 8:15 a.m.

Travis and Kelly posted another update after midnight last night, so please give it a read by clicking "Bennett's Site" at the top of the right column.

Today is a day where we should be praying many prayers of thanksgiving. It appears that Bennett's heart and lungs have responded better than doctors expected. So, please pray and thank God for those positive outcomes.

We must continue to pray fervently for his healing, though, as he's still a very sick little boy. We must continue to pray for his heart and his lungs. They need to function like a heart and lungs so Bennett can continue to heal. Based on the latest post, our prayers are being heard and answered, so please keep praying them. Also, let's keep paging Travis and Kelly throughout the day today.

And, please remember to send photo wishes. I've gotten several so far, and they've been encouraging to me, so I can't imagine how encouraging they'll be to Travis and Kelly. So, keep sending them. As a reminder, instructions are in the right column. I've decided to collect them through 10 p.m. tonight. I'll send them to be printed at that time and take the first batch to the hospital tomorrow morning.

Until later, take care and keep praying (and paging)!

Verse for the moment: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6

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