Friday, September 14, 2007

Update - September 14th at 3:30 p.m.

As a week full of blessings comes near its end, let's all remember to say special prayers of thanks for Bennett's progress. His stability isn't guaranteed, but let's be thankful for each and every second he maintains his current status.

As Travis and Kelly have requested in their recent postings, let's also continue to pray for Bennett's complete healing. We should also say prayers for Travis and Kelly as they continue to deal with this challenging and exhausting situation. It's coming up on one month (can you believe it?) that Travis and Kelly have been faced with this uncertainty, and I'm sure it's been the longest month of their lives. Please lift them up in prayer and ask God to give them physical and emotional strength to continue.

Finally, if you haven't sent your photo wish for inclusion in the second batch I'll be taking to the hospital tomorrow, please do so by 10 p.m. tonight! As you can see with the photos in the bottom of the right column, it's a really unique way to show your support for Travis and Kelly. The instructions are in the right column, so I encourage you to get your digital camera this afternoon or tonight and send your wish!

Take care everyone, and please keep praying for this precious family.

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